Wednesday, 25 July 2018


Update Time!

I've been busy working on some Moblots, as seen below. All pretty standard, with one being converted to have a HMG instead of rifle (for when I'm not running a sapper HMG).

I've got the next six days off work, because work-life balance is important, and am hoping to get most of the things in the below photo painted.

Friday, 6 July 2018

MRRF update, buying what I can

So the end of June was pretty productive, with a 112 Emergency Service, a Metro HMG and Brigadier Bruant being painted. They took the June painting tally up to six minis (some kind of a recent record for me.

I've also just gone out and bought the last of the MRRF minis I was after (before most of the range gets pulled). As such I've added the following to my to paint list:
- 3x Moblot (plan is to covert one to a HMG, and the other to a boarding shotgun)
- 2x Metros (1x rifle, 1x DEP)
- 1x para commando
- 1x chasseur (adhl)

They should round out the collection. On to pics!

 112 Emergency service.

Metro with HMG and Brigadier Bruant.

 Metros plus Bruant.

Painted figures so far.

Undecided what to paint next. Might finish either the Loup Garou link or smash out some metros.

New year, new post (2022 edition)

Well, somehow its 2022. No idea where the time has gone, I'm still mentally stuck in March 2020. Painting has been slow recently, but I ...