Saturday 2 January 2021

New year, new post

As per always, I haven't posted as much as I planned to. December was a slog to the end of the year, and while I painted a few things, I never got around to uploading pictures of them. I managed to smash out a couple of Necrons from an Indomnitus split to finish a list for a Tournament. I went 0-3, which wasn't a surprise considering I haven't played 40K regularly in ~10 years. Anyway, onto pictures. 

All my Necrons out for display 

Some O-12 I got recently, with a plan to play them in N4. 

Finished Plasmancer; trying some new painting techniques on the blades. Pretty happy with how ut turned out. 

Some murder chickens (I mean Cryptothralls)

Old-schoold Immortal next to a Royal Warden. 

Triarch Stalker (one of two)

What's next on the painting bench

New year, new post (2022 edition)

Well, somehow its 2022. No idea where the time has gone, I'm still mentally stuck in March 2020. Painting has been slow recently, but I ...