Thursday 17 October 2019

Spooktober - Necrons

So whilst I said my next update would be some Heavy Gear Fleet Scale, its not. Don't worry, the hordes of 6mm metal miniatures are still coming. Instead, its a bunch of photos of my Necrons I bought and painted in 2015 on a whim (the photos are just as old, I just never uploaded them). I'm blowing the dust of them for a friends 40k tournament next year, so should probably get some practice games in between now and then.....

Note, for these warriors there's a bunch of repositioning of the leg joints that I did to increase the height and make them look less squat-y. Whilst they look cool, I remember it took much longer than I wanted it to.....

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Update, therefore hapiness

Well it's been far too long since my last update; nine months is an awful long hiatus in blogging. Though in that time there has been hobbying, however it was around organising a wedding and honeymoon (which were bigger priorities). In that time there has been painting, with more Ariadna being worked on. This is the start of a TAK force, though some of the models I've had for quite some time. There's also some USAriadna I'd originally bought to do a test paint scheme for my Colonial Marines, however I repainted them. 

Not shown here is the Heavy Gear Fleet Scale. It was an impulse purchase circa 2013 that's been gathering dust in to-paint pile. That will be the next update (hopefully soon).

New year, new post (2022 edition)

Well, somehow its 2022. No idea where the time has gone, I'm still mentally stuck in March 2020. Painting has been slow recently, but I ...